

InDesign 文字の置換 AppleScript

2-3 01 全てのページのテキストフレーム内の文字を置換する(P.111)

組版時間を半減する! InDesign自動処理実例集

組版時間を半減する! InDesign自動処理実例集



-- 検索ワードを返す
on searchWord()
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
        find what of find text preferences
    end tell
end searchWord

-- 検索ワードの設定
on setSearchWord(myStr)
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
        set find what of find text preferences to myStr
    end tell
end setSearchWord

-- 置換ワードを返す
on changeWord()
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
        change to of change text preferences
    end tell
end changeWord

-- 置換ワードの設定
on setChangeWord(myStr)
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
        set change to of change text preferences to myStr
    end tell
end setChangeWord


tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
    -- 検索・置換ワードの初期化?
    set find text preferences to nothing --[accept or nothing]
    set change text preferences to nothing --[accept or nothing]
    -- 検索・置換ワードの設定
    tell me
        log searchWord() -- イベント画面に出力
        setChangeWord("OS X")
        log changeWord() -- イベント画面に出力
    end tell
    tell active document
        set pMax to number of page
        repeat with myPage from 1 to pMax
            set fMax to number of every text frame of page myPage
            repeat with i from 1 to fMax
                set myObj to text frame i of page myPage
                change text parent story of myObj
            end repeat
        end repeat
    end tell
end tell


